Iata ca ziua cea mare a venit, iar de azi inainte fac parte din blogosfera, (chiar daca nimeni nu stie asta inca ;)) ).
Blogul va avea ca tematica in primul rand Windows 7, va contine probabil tutoriale pentru diferite aplicatii/limbaje de programare, informatii despre ultimele gadget-uri si descoperiri tehnologice.
Ceea ce m-a determinat in primul rand sa scriu acest blog a fost experienta pozitiva cu windows 7, in al doilea rand lipsa unui astfel de blog, iar in al treilea rand din dorinta de a-mi putea expirma punctele de vedere liber si public in acelasi timp.
PS: Pentru unele post-uri va fi nevoie de anumite cunostinte tehnice. Pentru orice nelamuriri nu ezitati sa lasati comentarii sau sa trimiteti un e-mail.
The great day finally came, and from now on I’m part of the blogosphere. (though no one knows this yet ;)) ).
This blogs posts will focus on Windows 7, it will probably contain tutorials for different programs/programming language, latest gadgets news and scientifical discoveries.
The first thing that determined me to write about Windows 7 was my positive interaction with the operating sistem. The second thing was the lack of this kind of blog(at least in my country). The third thing was the desire to express my point of view freely and publicly at the same time.
PS: Some technical knowledge will be necessary in order to understand some of the posts. For any questions, don’t hezitate to leave a comment or send an e-mail.