Windows 7 – ultimele build-uri (build 7140), ultimele zvonuri (screenshot cu acest build)!

Cum pe taramul Windows 7 nu e liniste prea mult timp (va aduceti aminte, sper, de Windows 7 build 7127), astazi deja au aparut zvonurile legate de un nou build, si anume build 7140.
Screenshot-ul il aveti mai jos (click pentru marire):

Chiar daca pare veridic datorita datei la care a fost compilat (ieri – 24.05.2009) e cam greu de crezut ca a ajuns atat de repede pe internet. Putem observa usor, ca Microsoft nu mai “lasa sa scape” build-urile asa usor precum o facea inainte.
Ultima lista a build-urilor, verificata din mai multe surse, este mai jos:


xxxx – tinand locul orei compilarii.

build-ul 7140 ar trebui sa aiba urmatorul string: 6.1.7140.0.winmain.090524-1240.


Cat despre destaliile acestui build, pomenite pe foarte multe forumuri/site-uri/blog-uri:

1. You can now add anything to the Taskbar.
2. Icons slightly expand when you hover over them on the taskbar.
3. The “System” menu is more simplistic, and easier to navigate.
4. You can change the login screen picture through the “Personalization” menu.
5. The menu/lists that pop up when you right click on things now have the Aero Glass effect.
6. The default icons for Folders have changed to be the transparent blue ones featured a long time ago.
8. The Minimize/Maximize/Exit buttons on the top-right of a window have changed icons, and are a bit smaller than the Vista/7 counterparts.
9. [BIG ONE]: There’s an “Upload” feature for Pictures, files, and videos. If you right-click a file, and click “Upload”, you can make it automatically upload to a website of your choice. After uploading, a pop-up will appear saying it’s done, and clicking “OK” will cause the link/download link to the file to appear in the popup box. I tried ImageShack and Facebook, and they work.
10. Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese unicode(s) and settings are integrated, so one can run foreign apps or use foreign keyboards without changing languages & restarting.
11. The Orb on the taskbar changes color, based on the dominant R/G/B/Y color of your taskbar (or your wallpaper, if the taskbar is 100% transparent)

nici nu le mai traduc, deoarece au fost aparute pe 23 mai, ceea ce le face cu o zi mai noi decat build-ul in sine. Ati prins ideea.

O alta informatie/poza care cred eu ca este fake (iarasi aparuta in mai multe locuri) este urmatoarea:

Imi bazez afirmatia pe faptul ca wallpaperul default al Windows 7 (fie el si RC are pesitsorul Betta afisat), iar apasand “-winver” in SearchBox-ul din StartMenu, veti observa faptul ca informatiile legate de build-ul dumneavoastra nu sunt centrate, ci mai degraba aliniate la stanga.

Voi reveni cu alte detalii imediat ce voi afla noi informatii.

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